Friday 1 August 2008

An evening here.

I quietly slipped out the back of the meeting room after leading slow set worship and came out the fire escape to an orange cloudless sky over the shimmering water. I love sunsets here....
As I walked in front of the lodge I could hear the music of After 8 bleeding from the second story of the lodge, and the knowledge that God's magic was happening inside comforted me as I headed to the office to burn DVD's for the kids. I'm through the third batch right now, and the rumble of feet overhead tells me that After 8 is done and the campers are eagerly awaiting snack.
It's the last week of Junior High, and wow it's been great so far. The campers who are coming for the last three weeks will be a bit older now, and many of them will be more familiar as well, as they have come year after year. I am excited to see many friends again, to drink cappuccino's on the deck, and to encourage young men to seek after God in all parts of their lives. Boy I have a good life.
Oh.. there goes the snack bell. The quiet rumble just turned into a crashing medley of feet jumping overhead trying to be first to the door of the dining room, even though we all know there's enough seats and definitely enough snack.
A few others have strayed into the program office now and the chatter begins- time to finish this off and join the fun.


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